Emergency Trust Fund for the Elderly
The Ladies of Charity Emergency Trust Fund for the Elderly is exclusively for poor elderly persons, age 55 and over, who are trying to exist on a limited income. Many of our elderly fall through the cracks, whereby, they are suffering from financial distress because of their inability to receive financial assistance from government agencies. This fund is intended to serve as a last resource, after all other programs and sources of funding have been explored. This fund is not a substitute for other available programs and services, nor is it designed to bypass existing services for the aged.
All proceeds from The Ladies of Charity Memorial Cards and Remembrance Cards are contributed to the Committee of 100 fund. These cards are available at no charge. Contributions are to be sent to the Committee of 100 at the time these cards are used.
Application forms for the Emergency Trust Fund and for Memorial or Remembrance cards are always available by contacting one of the Board Members or by calling the office 412-456-6924.
Society for the Unclaimed Dead
Establishes a line of communication with the Allegheny County Morgue in Pittsburgh. About once a month the Allegheny County Morgue is contacted, and they forward the names of the unclaimed souls. When the names are received, an effort is made to get the word out to as many Ladies of Charity groups as possible. We do this through the DeMarillac News, the President€™s monthly letter and communication between the ladies themselves. For a one time $10.00 stipend the deceased is enrolled in the Seraphic Mass Assoc. The name is then sent to the specified sponsor so that they may be remembered in prayer always. The name of an unclaimed soul may be requested by an individual person or a Ladies of Charity local association.
The second Sunday in November all the Ladies of Charity in Pittsburgh are invited to meet at the St. Vincent de Paul cross in Calvary Cemetery where we honor and pray for the unclaimed dead. This is also a time to remember our roots as the Pittsburgh Ladies of Charity were founded with ladies gathering to attend funeral Masses for these unclaimed souls.
Facilitates all Spiritual Concerns of the Ladies of Charity regarding Days of Reflection, Investiture etc. Arranges for Masses to be said once a year for the deceased unclaimed dead and their living sponsors.
We strive to bring literacy into the lives of the young and old throughout the diocese. Many parishes have different projects that stress the importance of literacy.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The love of knitting and crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as celebration and joy.
Nursing Home Network
A Resource available to Ladies of Charity Parish Associations who have parishioners in nursing or personal care homes located at such a distance from their parish to make regular visitation prohibitive. The Network is available to reach out to a Ladies of Charity Association to visit a resident who is living in a nursing or personal care home that is in an area that is a distance away from their home parish.
We publish our newsletter, The DeMarillac News quarterly.

"You will love one another realizing that since God has chosen and assembled you to render Him the same service, you must be like one body animated by the same spirit and look upon one another as members of the same body."
- St. Louise de Marillac.