Emergency Fund for the Elderly

Kathleen McCartney, Co-Chair
Paula Humberson, Co-Chair

Read more on our Emergency Fund Page


Karen Radu

  • The objective of extension is to extend the apostolate of the Ladies of Charity, giving Catholic Women in the Diocese of Pittsburgh an opportunity to assist the needy by establishing parish associations; providing information and consultative services until the newly formed associations are fully organized and by renewing and strengthening existing associations.

  • The Apostolate of the Ladies of Charity, as profound as it is, needs promotion.  Individually we must strive constantly by our example to encourage others to accept the challenge to let Christ work in the world through us.  "By your works you shall be known."


Barbara Wolkiewicz

  • Communications oversees the publication of the DeMarillac News and all bulk mailing that is sent out to the membership.
  • Communications is also responsible to arranging for notices and pictures of events sponsored by the Association of Ladies of Charity for the Pittsburgh Catholic, the Servicette and any other publication.
  • Any material or statement appearing in articles or letters published in the name of the LADIES OF CHARITY is subject to review by the Diocesan Executive Board.  This regulation concerns not only the Communications Director but must also be observed by all members so that prudence in all such matters will be carried out in the spirit of maintaining the simplicity of our work in aiding the elderly and disadvantaged.


DeMarillac Newsletter

Peggy Keene, Editor
Kathy McCartney, Co-Editor

  • Prepares the DeMarillac News for publication and mails four issues of the newsletter each calendar year.  The newsletter shall be published in January (Winter Issue), April (Spring Issue), July (Summer Issue) and October (Fall Issue).


Kathy Laudano
  • Maintains a current file of all members, Active, Inactive and Associate.  Keeps a list of members who are deceased.  Also maintains a file of all Parish Pastors, Spiritual Advisors and Sister Moderators.  Keeping these records current at all time.  Works with Financial Secretary to see that all dues are paid and recorded and sends yearly Diocesan Dues to LCUSA.


Judy Thimons

  • Facilitates all Spiritual Concerns of the Ladies of Charity regarding Days of Reflection, Investiture etc.  Arranges for Masses to be said once a year for the deceased unclaimed dead and their living sponsors.

Society for the Unclaimed Dead

Janet Stahlman

  • Establishes a line of communication with the Society of St. Vincent De Paul so that the Ladies of Charity are notified of a Funeral Mass for the Unclaimed Dead.  (The St. Vincent De Paul Society is responsible for the burial of the Unclaimed Dead of the Diocese).  Parishes are notified if it is known that a Funeral Mass is being held in their particular parish so that the Ladies of Charity members can be encouraged to participate.
  • Throughout the year names of unclaimed dead become available, and an appeal is sent to all Ladies of Charity asking them to sponsor the soul of an Unclaimed Dead.  For a $10.00 stipend the deceased is enrolled in the Seraphic Mass Assoc.  The name is then sent to the specified sponsor so that they may be remembered in prayer always.
  • There is also a service in November where all parish associations are asked to meet to honor and pray for the unclaimed dead.

Nursing Home Network

Cindy Smith

  • A resource available to Ladies of Charity Parish Associations who have parishioners in nursing or personal care homes located at such a distance from their parish to make regular visitation prohibitive.  The Network is available to any person in our Diocese in a nursing or personal care home who does not have anyone to visit him/her on a regular basis.
  • Ladies of Charity Parish Associations inform the Nursing Home Network Chairperson of the nursing homes that they visit so that when a request is received, she may refer the name of the parish that visits that particular nursing home.

Jr. Ladies of Charity

Mary Diaddigo Rex
Hailey Innocenzo Dube'

  • What are the Junior Ladies of Charity? Junior Ladies of Charity are young women of high school and college age involved in service to the needy as well as ongoing spiritual formation.  We have 3 active parishes in our diocese.
  • If you are interested in starting a Junior Ladies of Charity in your organization or just want to learn more about the JR. LOC, please contact the office at 412-456-6924.