Karen Tomaszewski
- Calls and presides at the General and Executive Board Meetings. Appoints all Committee Chairmen with the exception of the Nominating Committee. Appoints special committee chairpersons when needed. Is ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
- Represents the Pittsburgh Diocesan Board at the LCUSA National Assembly. Is a member of the Advisory Board of the Committee of 100. Signs all Memorial, All Occasion Cards and Membership Cards. Instrumental in plans for Investiture and Workshop.
1st Vice President
Mary McIntyre
- Assumes the duties of the President in her absence.
- Makes the arrangements for the Annual Investiture Luncheon.
2nd Vice President
Elizabeth Seibert
- Assumes the duties of President in her absence if 1st Vice President is unavailable.
- Makes the arrangements for the Annual Workshop.
Recording Secretary
Wendy Archer
- Records the minutes and votes of the General Meetings and the Executive Board Meetings.
- Keeps a record of attendance at all Executive Board Meetings. Keeps permanent records and papers in order in files of Diocesan Office.
Linda Fry
- Keeps an accurate account of all monies of the Ladies of Charity of the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
- Deposits all funds, pays all bills and renders a financial report at all monthly Board Meetings.
Financial Secretary
Ann Hayes
- Prepares and mails notices of membership dues. Updates all parish lists of members.
- Records amounts of dues received.