- Publications -

Letters from the President

Monthly letters from the President of the Ladies of Charity, Pittsburgh.

DeMarillac News

We offer a range of specialized services tailored to meet your individual needs.

Rosary Intentions

We offer a range of specialized services tailored to meet your individual needs.

- Documents -

Membership application

Emergency Fund

Prayer To St Vincent de Paul II

St. Vincent, patron of all charitable associations and father of those who are in misery, come to our assistance.
Obtain from Our Lord, help for the poor, relief for the infirm, consolation for the afflicted, protection for the abandoned, a spirit of generosity for the rich, grace of conversion for sinners, zeal for priests, peace for the Church, tranquility and order for all nations, and salvation for them all.

May we be united in the life to come, by your intercession, and experience joy, gladness, and everlasting happiness. Amen.

St Vincent de Paul, Pray for Us