Organizational Overview


The Diocese of Pittsburgh Ladies of Charity is composed of women from 77 parishes giving us an active membership of over 1,400.


Each year a Nominating Committee chosen from members on the Diocesan Executive Board search among Ladies of Charity groups throughout the diocese to find interested and qualified ladies to fill open positions on the Board. The board consists of six elected officers, elected for a one-year term and eligible to serve a second term. The elected offices are President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary. The president appoints the committee chairmen for the various committees.


A form is placed in the folders at the Diocesan Workshop in August for those who wish to state their interest in serving on the Diocesan Board. These forms are reviewed by the Nominating Committee and many board members have been selected by these responses.


The Board also has a Spiritual Advisor and Spiritual Moderator. The primary purpose of the Spiritual Advisor is to assist in pursuing the spiritual objectives of the Ladies of Charity, also to conduct or participate in the spiritual and liturgical functions arranged by the Executive Board. The Spiritual Advisor also assists in an advisory capacity with other matters pertinent to the Ladies of Charity organization. The Spiritual Moderator is advisory and supportive. She is available for guidance and assistance to the local Spiritual Moderators and Parish Social Ministers. The Spiritual Moderator also suggests ways and means for promoting extension of the organization.


The Board meets on the second Saturday of each month to discuss and plan the events for the organization.


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