President's Letter, February 2025

Published on 24 February 2025 at 15:14

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ and our patrons, Saints Vincent de Paul, Louise de Marillac, and Elizabeth Ann Seton, I hope this letter finds you in warm surroundings and in good health. We have made it through January, so spring is that much closer. Days are getting longer. In the heart of winter, February brings warmth and love to all. February teaches us that love knows no season. Love isn’t just for Valentine’s Day; it’s a daily adventure. Let February be a reminder to cherish the ones you love.


The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is celebrated February 2. In conjunction with the feast day please reflect on the following Vincentian meditation. “Simeon spoke of one sword. In reality there were seven, and we can count at least seven occasions when sorrow entered Our Lady's soul. There was a possible eighth sorrow, and that was living with the fear of what was to come. That can be a heavy cross. It is often more painful to sit waiting in the dentist's waiting room than to sit in the dentist's chair. What I would like to think of as Our Lady's eighth sorrow was living with the sword… hanging over her. Yet, that did not deter Our Lady from going on with the business of living and caring for the home in Nazareth, from following Our Lord in His preaching journeys and from making her way to the spot where He was executed. She lived with fear but was able with the strength of God to prevent it from immobilizing her. May Mary obtain for each of us the grace of surmounting those fears which occupy a place in the hearts of every one of us and sometimes paralyze us in showing love to God and to our neighbor.” (Deep Down Things, p. 373).


Hager Grant Application for 2025 – Attached to my letter is the Hager Grant application for 2025. If you are planning to submit a request, please submit it to me via email ( by March 1, 2025. The board will review the applications at our March 8th board meeting and, if approved, will submit to LCUSA by their deadline of March 15. Please email with any questions or concerns.


Investiture – The application and guidelines will be sent out after our next board meeting, which is this Saturday, February 8.


The Spiritual Society of the Unclaimed Dead – If you are interested in receiving a decedent’s name, please contact Janet Stahlman via our office, 412-456-6924.

Twinning Project – Please contact our office if you think your group can benefit from financial help for any project. All requests will be kept confidential.

Social media - Sherrie Dunlap Gallagher, social media chair, updates our Facebook page regularly. Please let her know of any activities you are currently doing that she can highlight. She can be contacted at

Junior Ladies of Charity (JLOC) – For more information on JLOC, please contact Mary Diaddigo Rex or Hailey Innocenzo Dube’ or call the LOC office at 412-456-6924.

Nursing Home Network – Please remember that if you have someone that is going to a nursing home outside of your area to contact Cindy Smith so that she can reach out to the local Ladies of Charity to visit.


501(C)(3) – Below is the updated distribution information for the quarterly submission of Treasurer Reports and Bank Statements. The December 2024, January & February 2025 information is due by 3/15/2025. Updated sales tax exemption forms are available by contacting Judy Weismann at


Judy Weismann
412 760-9129

  • Mary Mother of God
  • St. Theresa of Kolkata
  • St. Isidore the Farmer
  • St. Mark the Evangelist
  • Guardian Angel
  • All Saints
  • St. Oscar Romero
  • Divine Grace
  • St. Aidan
  • St. James
  • St. Thomas the Apostle

Kathy McCartney
412 731-6916

  • Archangel Gabriel
  • Sts. Joachim and Anne
  • St. Joseph the Worker
  • St. Paul Cathedral
  • Triumph of the Holy Cross
  • Sts. Martha and Mary
  • St. John XXIII
  • Our Lady of Hope
  • Our Lady of the Lake
  • St. Jude
  • Emergency Fund for Elderly
  • St. Raphael the Archangel

Barbara Donehue
412 398-0775

  • St. Matthew
  • Christ the Divine Shepherd
  • St. Michael the Archangel
  • Blessed Trinity
  • St. Catherine Laboure
  • Mary Queen of Peace
  • Resurrection
  • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
  • St. Paul of the Cross
  • Holy Family
  • St. Phillip’s
  • Regina Coeli


DeMarillac Newsletter – It’s always great to see what other organizations are doing. Please remember to email any articles to Peggy Keene or mail them to our office at the address at the top of this letter. A picture is worth a thousand words so a picture or two of the events is welcome. 


February 2025 Rosary Intention - On the World Day of the Sick, that those who are sick, especially the chronically ill may know healing, friendship, and strength.

Prayer to the Vincentian Family

Lord Jesus, you who willed to become poor, gives us eyes and a heart directed to the poor. Help us to recognize you in them in their thirst, their hunger, their loneliness, their misfortune. Enkindle within our Vincentian Family unity, simplicity, humility, and the fire of love that burned in St. Vincent DePaul. Strengthen us so that faithful to the practice of these virtues, we may contemplate you and serve you in the person of the poor and may one day be united with you and them in your kingdom. Amen.

Mark your Calendars

  • May 18, 2025 – Investiture (2:30 PM Mass @ St. Paul Cathedral)
  • August 16, 2025 – Annual Meeting at Sts. Martha & Mary Parish (St. Richard Church, Dickey Road)
  • September 11-13, 2025 – National Assembly in Bethesda, Maryland


Miscellaneous Information


If you have questions or suggestions, please call and leave a message with the LOC office at 412-456-6924.


In the Vincentian Spirit,
Karen Tomaszewski, President
Association of the Ladies of Charity, Diocese of Pittsburgh

Presidents Letter, Feb 2025
PDF – 225.5 KB 6 downloads

Important Message Regarding LA Wildfires

On behalf of the ALCDP, Peggy Keene reached out to Hilda Ruiz, VP of the Western Region, regarding the LA wildfires. I am passing this information on in case any of the
local organizations would want to donate.

“I was on a citywide zoom earlier today regarding the LA fires and aftermath. Several organizations are working tirelessly to help those who have lost their homes, jobs and or affected in any way by the disaster the fires caused. After listening to all, I am passing on the following information regarding donations. Please send any monetary donations to the Daughters of Charity, LA Wildfires Fund. Any other items (blankets, toiletries, laundry items, clothing, gift cards etc.) that our Ladies of Charity would like to send, have them reach out to me via email or call. I am coordinating with organizations that are assisting displaced youth/college students in need as well as adults that are now unhoused and in need of daily essentials. All non- monetary items sent will be given directly to those orgs in direct need now. I will pass on further clarity directly if it’s helpful by email or call. Thank you for reaching out. Dealing with the aftermath but directly assisting some areas that are still 'hot' due to active fires, has been challenging. The coordinated effort by many is helpful. I appreciate anything that can be sent our way.”


Please send all monetary donations to

Daughters of Charity
Seton Provincialate
26000 Altamont Rd
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Please write on check notes
"LA Wildfire Victims"

Blessings, gratefully yours,
Hilda Ruiz
VP Western Region